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p5-VRML Set of VRML classes for Perl
p5-Vroom (V) Slide Shows in Vim
p5-Web-Scraper Perl 5 Web Scraping Toolkit inspired by Scrapi
p5-WordPress-XMLRPC Perl 5 API to WordPress XML-RPC services
p5-WWW-Amazon-Wishlist Perl5 module to get details from your Amazon wishlist
p5-WWW-Curl Perl binding interface for curl
p5-WWW-Facebook-API Facebook API implementation
p5-WWW-Mechanize Automates web page form & link interaction
p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip Perl 5 module to fetch webpages with gzip-compression
p5-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create Paste to <> from Perl
p5-WWW-Pastebin-RafbNet-Create Create new pastes on from Perl
p5-WWW-Shorten Perl 5 module interface to URL shortening sites
paros HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerabilities
pear-HTML_Common Base PHP class for other HTML classes
pear-HTML_Select PHP class for generating HTML form select elements
pear-HTML_TreeMenu PHP class for generating tree menus
pear-HTTP PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
pear-HTTP_Request PHP classes to provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
php-apc Alternative PHP Cache
php-curl PHP extension for curl functions
php-eaccelerator PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache
php-suhosin (V) Advanced protection system for PHP installations
php-uploadprogress PHP extension to track progress of a file upload
php5-extensions (V) meta-package for the PHP 5.2 HTML-embedded scripting language
php53-extensions (V) meta-package for the PHP 5.3 HTML-embedded scripting language
plone25 User friendly CMS written on top of ZOPE
plone3 User friendly CMS written on top of ZOPE
pound Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end
privoxy Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
py-beautifulsoup HTML/XML Parser for Python
py-blosxom PyBlosxom is a lightweight file-based weblog system
py-clearsilver Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
py-ClientForm Python module for handling HTML forms on the client side
py-creole (V) Creole <-> HTML converter
py-curl Python module interface to the cURL library
py-cx_Oracle (V) Oracle binding for Python
py-django Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py-django-appmedia Handling django app media
py-django-classy-tags Class based template tags for Django
py-django-cms Django content management system
py-django-registration User-registration application for Django
py-django-south Intelligent schema and data migrations for Django projects
py-flup WSGI support modules
py-gdata Google Data API Python client library
py-genshi Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
py-html5lib (V) HTML5 parser and tokenizer
py-HTMLgen Class library for the generation of HTML documents
py-jonpy Tools for FastCGI/CGI Python programs
py-mechanize Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
py-moin MoinMoin, a Python clone of WikiWiki
py-nevow Next-generation web application templating system
py-paste Middleware for Python WSGI applications
py-PasteDeploy Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
py-pendrell HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web
py-pisa (V) HTML2pdf converter
py-rss2gen Python module to generate RSS feeds
py-scgi Simple Common Gateway Interface
py-simpletal Stand alone implementation of the Zope TAL
py-swish-e Simple Python binding for Swish-E
py-uwsgi Feature-rich WSGI server
py-webpy Simple, public domain web publishing system
qDecoder Web Application Interface for C/C++ (CGI Library)
raggle Console-based screen(1)-aware RSS reader written in Ruby
ramaze Ruby lightweight, modular, web application framework
ruby-actionpack Two-step approach to web response generation
ruby-actionpack3 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails)
ruby-activeresource Object-relational mapping for REST webservices
ruby-activeresource3 REST modeling framework (part of Rails)
ruby-borges Ruby web application framework
ruby-clearsilver Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
ruby-compass Stylesheet authoring framework based on Sass
ruby-compass-susy-plugin Compass plugin grid system
ruby-css-parser Ruby CSS parser
ruby-cssmin Ruby library for minifying CSS
ruby-csspool CSSPool is a CSS parser
ruby-div Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
ruby-fcgi FastCGI interface for Ruby
ruby-gnome2-gtkmozembed Ruby binding of gtkmozembed
ruby-htmlsplit Ruby HTML split/join library
ruby-httpclient HTTP accessing library for Ruby
ruby-innate Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
ruby-jsmin Ruby library for minifying JavaScript
ruby-mechanize Library to automate interaction with websites
ruby-mime-types (V) Definition of MIME types for Ruby
ruby-net-flickr Flickr REST client
ruby-patron Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl
ruby-rack Ruby webserver interface
ruby-rack-mount Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router
ruby-rack-test Simple testing API built on Rack
ruby-rack11 Ruby webserver interface
ruby-rails Framework for developing database-backed web applications
ruby-rails3 Full-stack web application framework
ruby-staticmatic Lightweight static site framework
ruby-tag Ruby Simple HTML Tag library for CGI
ruby-webunit HTTP unit testing framework for Ruby
sarg Squid-Cache proxy server Analysis Report Generator
screws SCRipt Enhanced Web Server
seamonkey Full-featured gecko-based browser
seamonkey-bin Full-featured gecko-based browser suite (binary package)
seamonkey-bin-flash Flash Player plugin for seamonkey-bin